


In another step towards expanding our international partnerships, creating global opportunities for our students and strengthening the Munnar Catering College (MCC) brand, MCC has signed an MOU for Academic Cooperation with HTMi Hotel and Tourism Management Institute, Switzerland.

Higher Diploma At Switzerland:

With this MOU, students who successfully complete MCC’s Diploma in International Hotel Management and Tourism, can choose to transfer to HTMi Switzerland and complete 6 months of the Higher Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management there, plus 6 months internship in Switzerland, followed by entry into the final year of – BSc (Hons) International Hospitality Management, awarded by Ulster University. They will also receive the HTMi Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Hospitality & Events Management. They will again be eligible for a 6 months internship in Switzerland after the BSc.

Degree Pathway To Switzerland:

Students who successfully complete MCC’s Graduate Diploma in International Hotel Management and Tourism, can choose to transfer to HTMi Switzerland and directly join the final year of the Ulster University BSc Degree. They will have 6 months of academic courses in HTMi Switzerland. They will also be eligible for a 6 months internship. On successful completion they will be awarded – BSc, Bachelor of Science (Hons) in International Hospitality Management (Ulster University).
